Key information

  1. Reference: OCC0189B
  2. Date updated: 04/12/2023
  3. Level: 3
  4. Route: Construction and the built environment
  5. Regulated occupation: No

Details of the occupational standard

Information Symbol

T-Levels logoT Levels focus on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

Occupation summary

Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Technicians design, install, commission and maintain electronic systems in and outside simple and complex premises to protect individuals, homes and properties from risk and danger. Systems include fire, security and emergency systems to detect intrusion, provide surveillance, monitor and control access to buildings, properties and sites or to detect fire and emergencies. Skills include interconnection of equipment, programming, verifying performance/fault finding and testing and maintaining. Technicians will carry out planned jobs to install new systems, modify and maintain existing systems as well as respond to call-outs to repair faulty systems where they will utilise their problem solving skills. They will take a professional approach to customer service skills which include being presentable, tidy and respectful as they can often find themselves working in and outside customers’ homes as well as in and outside business premises. It is important for Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Technicians to be able to work independently or as part of a team and use their knowledge and skills to ensure systems have been appropriately selected and installed and maintained to a professional industry standards, often without any supervision, and done so in a safe, efficient and economical manner to minimi se waste.

Typical job titles include:

Alarm Installer Alarm Maintainer Alarm Engineer Alarm Technician Fire Systems Installer Fire Systems Maintainer Fire Systems Engineer Fire Systems Technician Emergency Systems Installer Emergency Systems Maintainer Emergency Systems Engineer Emergency Systems Technician Security Systems Installer Security Systems Maintainer Security Systems Engineer Security Systems Technician





T Level in building services engineering for construction

Awarding organisation: City & Guilds

Qualification type: T Level Qualification level: 4 Qualification approved: 17/12/2020

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