Overview of the role

Designing and developing transport and travel systems.

Transport planner (integrated degree)

Reference Number: ST0698

Details of standard

Occupation Profile

This occupation is found in small specialist firms to large multi-national and multi-disciplinary consultancies, to local authorities, Government departments and agencies.  Transport planners may be found in academia, research organisations, in providers of infrastructure and transport operators, and with developers and financing companies with transport interests.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to design and develop transport and travel systems, which are safe to operate, environmentally sustainable, and take into account access needs for everyone.

Transport planners apply advanced theoretical knowledge and methods of transport planning, analyse and interpret complex interconnected data, utilise transport modelling and appraisal techniques, determine the key outputs from proposed plans, how they meet customer specifications and fulfil local and national policies, and evaluate the impact of possible transport solutions.

Transport planners now increasingly integrate new technologies that improve the management of our transport systems to make more informed forecasts, support intelligent mobility and change people’s attitudes to travel, for example, through Smart Vehicle and Travel schemes.

They link transport on a local to international scale, which helps shape the future of our towns and cities, support economic growth, protect the environment, and improve social cohesion.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with members of their own team, each contributing to the delivery of transport projects, processes and policies. At this level, they will typically be working for a more senior transport planning professional and may have some line management responsibilities of technicians. Transport Planners often work with other professionals across their organisation, including those involved in planning, environmental assessment, engineering and construction, but they also liaise with a wide range of stakeholders including the general public and regulatory bodies.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for leading smaller projects, and/or playing a key role in a larger programme, managing their own work with a high level of autonomy, reviewing technical input from others, responding positively to complex and unpredictable situations, and be able to influence and make decisions that support others in or external to their own organisation.  They will operate effectively within organisational, financial and resource constraints, comply with policy and regulatory requirements, whilst maintaining high levels of professional conduct, ethical behaviour and integrity.

Typical job titles include:  Transport Planner, Senior Transport Planner, Transport Planning and Strategic Advisor, Transport Policy Advisor, Transport Planning Consultant, Transport Economist, Transport Modeller.



In this occupation a fully competent employee can:

For this duty, list the important performance considerations for employers in terms of how the work is to be done and to what standards

Days required to complete off the job (OTJ) training for this duty

1. Creation through to delivery of transport plans

create, plan, coordinate and deliver transport planning projects, processes or policies. Transport Planners provide and review highly complex technical input, provide advice and guidance, identify challenges, adapt and refine their approach to solving transport challenges.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P3: Effectively mitigating and managing risks
  • P4: Adhering to employer policies and procedures
  • P5: Complying with client or customer specifications
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
40 / 8 days pa OTJ

2. Providing information in line with requirements

prepare, produce, review and present documents and recommendations to support the delivery of transport solutions. They seek and provide information, carry out problem solving and support decision-making processes, in accordance with relevant strategy, policy, legal, regulatory and funding requirements, and codes of practice.

  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P5: Complying with client or customer specifications
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
20 / 4 days pa OTJ

3. Quality Assurance of Project Outputs

deliver timely quality assured project outputs, provide progress reporting of tasks and projects, and manage resources including people, apply financial controls and budgets.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P5: Complying with client or customer specifications
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
20 / 4 days pa OTJ

4. Managing Data

lead the collection, analysis and interpretation of complex transport planning information and data to support the development of transport solutions.
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P4: Adhering to employer policies and procedures
  • P9: Informing and enabling decision making
  • P17: Collecting and delivering data to an acceptable level of accuracy to meet the project requirements for review, design, modelling or assessment
30 / 6 days pa OTJ

5. Managing models and forecasting

build appropriate transport models capable of providing forecasts and input to operational, environmental and economic appraisal of transport solutions.
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P4: Adhering to employer policies and procedures
  • P9: Informing and enabling decision making
  • P10: Ensuring the model and its output is suitably robust enabling the evaluation of transport solutions. 
30 / 6 days pa OTJ

6. Assessing Transport Planning Solutions

develop, refine and apply appraisal methods to evaluate and monitor the impact and effectiveness of transport planning solutions.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P11: Ensuring appraisal methods address interrelated and inter-acting factors, for example, economic growth, environmental or social integration.
  • P12: Ensure assessment outcomes can be used effectively to develop and refine the transport solution.
20 / 4 days pa OTJ

7. Designing Transport Solutions

contribute to the preliminary and detailed design, development, and operational appraisal of safe and sustainable transport solutions.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
15 / 3 days pa OTJ

8. Developing sustainable transport and travel solutions

design transport solutions and behavioural change programmes that influence travel behaviours and improve sustainability.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
  • P13: Assessing travel behaviours before and after scheme implementation
  • P14: Complying with industry sustainability standards and guidance
10 / 2 days pa OTJ

9. Engaging with Stakeholders

lead, consolidate and evaluate community and stakeholder engagement, and public consultations, taking care to understand, liaise, negotiate, evaluate and act appropriately on advice and different perspectives from a range of stakeholders and statutory consultees.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
  • P15: adopting appropriate forms of engagement to different stakeholder groups
 10 / 2 days pa OTJ

10. Working within policy and regulatory framework

 interpret and apply regulatory and policy requirements appropriately to proposed transport projects and processes. They ensure compliance with transport, environmental, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures, and support organisations to conduct their activities in an appropriate manner.  
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
 20 / 4 days pa OTJ

11. Personal and inter-personal management

 work independently and with others, supervise, and support the training of others in the wider team to implement transport projects, processes and policies effectively and efficiently. They also recognise where specialist technical input is required, seek this appropriately, and review these contributions.  
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action 
 15 / 3 days pa OTJ

12. Professional Development

take responsibility for their own personal and professional development, keeping up to date with technical knowledge and skills, and recording these through CPD records. They provide professional guidance and support to colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders (technical and non-technical), having regard for sustainable approaches and solutions, and the communication methods used.
  • P1: Complying with transport, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures and other relevant strategy, policy, legal and regulatory requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements
  • P2: Delivering to agreed timescales, costs and quality standards
  • P6: Adhering to industry specifications, standards and guidance
  • P7: Clear and concise communication with various audiences, including colleagues, clients or customers, or other stakeholders
  • P8: demonstrate high level communication skills including listening skills to evaluate and determine courses of action
  • P16: Working with relevant professional organisations
15 / 3 days pa OTJ



A Transport Planner will know and understand the:

K1 K1: principles and processes of transport policy and planning practice for various modes of transport. This includes the key components and stages that should be followed in the development, approval and implementation of transport plans and the procedures for gaining approval for development schemes through the statutory consultation processes involving the public.
K2 K2: formal planning and design requirements for transport systems, which can include highways and traffic, buses, intermediate modes, rail, light rail, freight, airports or ports.
K3 K3: national, regional and local policies relating to transport planning governance and the key factors that affect them.
K4 K4: key principles and techniques of project initiation, management and evaluation, including risk, resource, health and safety, change control, and financial management.
K5 K5: regulations related to transport, health and safety, environmental impact, legal, development and planning and equality and diversity requirements.
K6 K6: principal sources and key characteristics of transport statistics, data, and their assessment techniques. This includes their relative strengths and weaknesses, any regulatory, formal and advisory requirements relating to their use, and best practice relating to the analysis and storage of, and access to data, and the potential use of new technologies such as Big Data, qualitative and quantitative behavioural research, GIS, and accessibility that may be used in transport planning.
K7 K7: main methods of data collection and assessment techniques and validity checks used in the planning, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of transport solutions for a range of transport modes. This must include the evaluation of the quality, quantity and relevance of the data available.
K8 K8: principles of traffic and travel generation, as well as the key factors that affect the demand for a range of transport modes, locally, regionally, and nationally.
K9 K9: principles of transport modelling and forecasting, design, application and interpretation (applying widely used specialist modelling software packages and related tools). This must include the evaluation of the quality, quantity and relevance and possible impacts in the model output.
K10 K10: principles and key characteristics of the standard assessment techniques widely used in the evaluation of transport solutions, including economic analyses and other assessment types, such as environmental, accessibility, safety, security, or land use.
K11 K11: principles and techniques used for monitoring and evaluation of the performance and impact of transport solutions.
K12 K12: inter-relationship between transport and economic activity, land use, climate change and the local environment as well as how transport systems and services can be integrated with other elements of development plans.
K13 K13: principles and key characteristics of the operation of a transport system or service, including their key features, design, and performance.
K14 K14: principles underlying bidding for or procuring contracts or projects, and their subsequent financing.
K15 K15: principles of travel planning, including those of behavioural change, the socio-economic, health and environmental consequences of travel by different modes.
K16 K16: principles underlying community involvement, stakeholder engagement, and public consultation in transport planning, including the main approaches used, and the assessment of the findings to identify transport needs and develop solutions.
K17 K17: preparation, production, review and presentation of high quality accurate information in well-structured technical and non-technical documentation for different interested parties including public and stakeholders, and clear recommendations in accordance with relevant strategy, policy, legal requirements, codes of practice and funding requirements.
K18 K18: importance of professional and ethical conduct relating to their role including the values and standards by which they maintain up to date technical knowledge and skills through CPD and knowledge of all relevant laws and guidance so as not to discriminate or breach the requirements of your organisation.
K19 K19: ways in which they can identify and access support and specialist expertise when required, both internal and external to your organisation and build networks to contribute to the broader profession.
K20 K20: key principles of how to manage and appraise their own personal and professional development, and how to guide and encourage colleagues in their professional development, by providing fair, regular and useful feedback and appropriate support when needed.

A Transport Planner will be able to:

S1 S1: apply and comply with transport policy and planning practice for various modes of transport within relevant national, strategic and local policy contexts, and assess and evaluate the principal impacts of such policies on particular projects.
S2 S2: determine and apply appropriate methods to design transport schemes, providing for integration between different transport modes and systems, with the intention of providing efficient and secure transport services.
S3 S3: apply and comply with policies and regulations, including those relating to transport, health and safety, environmental, legal, planning and equality and diversity, and with their organisation’s formal procedures and practices.
S4 S4: effectively manage tasks and projects, to agreed time and resource budgets, through the application of appropriate project management tools and techniques.
S5 S5: apply, analyse and evaluate a broad range of appropriate transport statistics and data, utilising appropriate software and digital solutions, to inform and enable decision making within the development of transport solutions. This includes liaising with relevant organisations, such as the police, highway authorities and transport operators, to access a range of data sources and surveys for different modes or travel contexts as well as assessing data suitability, validity, quality, and accuracy relative to its intended application.
S6 S6: determine the method, manage the collection, analysis, evaluation, and monitoring of data used in the development or delivery of transport solutions. This includes assessing data suitability, validity, quality, and accuracy relative to its intended application.
S7 S7: use advanced techniques for the analysis of traffic and travel generation and demand, to enable the evaluation and monitoring of transport solutions, taking account of economic (cost-benefit) analyses.
S8 S8: select, specify, and use a range of transport models and forecasting techniques to support the interpretation of proposed transport solutions. This will include the evaluation of models for local and strategic transport and different modes of transport, using appropriate software packages
S9 S9: specify the data requirements and targets against which the effectiveness and impacts of a transport policy, plan or scheme can be measured. This includes designing, managing, and monitoring programmes to assess performance over time including the effects on the economy, and other factors such as environmental, accessibility, safety, security, or land use.
S10 S10: determine the needs of stakeholders in developing transport solutions
S11 S11: plan various stages of a commercial or operational management scheme in transport, such as initial project development, feasibility study, detailed design, procurement, funding, implementation or assessing effectiveness.
S12 S12: identify and recommend appropriate types of finance, or funding, for a transport scheme, and contribute to the bidding or procurement of transport planning contracts or projects. This can include establishing and agreeing specifications, budgets, timescales, identifying and assessing possible risks, and preparing or evaluating technical briefs.
S13 S13: design, promote, implement and evaluate travel planning programmes to increase travel awareness and achieve changes in travel behaviour. This includes setting, monitoring and evaluating targets, identifying and assessing likely benefits, and communicating and liaising informatively and effectively with stakeholders.
S14 S14: plan, refine and analyse programmes of community involvement, stakeholder engagement or public consultations, to identify transport needs and to develop transport solutions.
S15 S15: communicate effectively orally and in writing in both formal and informal contexts. Prepare written reports and make presentations, participate and manage meetings, contribute to discussions, and listen actively to ensure the views of others are taken into account appropriately. Seek feedback on your own performance so you can look for ways to improve it.
S16 S16: apply appropriate transport, environmental impact and development planning laws, regulations and procedures, taking into account the evaluation of public testing and best practice, in gaining formal consent for transport solutions.
S17 S17: manage the delivery of high quality accurate, well-structured and organisationally compliant documents and recommendations for the work for which they are responsible and to a level appropriate for whom they are intended. This may include written reports, oral presentations, designs, models, calculations, reports and drawings, surveys designs, and calculations.
S18 S18: manage their own work independently within the limits of their authority and responsibility, making use of support and specialist expertise when appropriate. Develop and maintain productive working relationships with stakeholders and colleagues and support, guide, and motivate team members to enable them to achieve the team’s objectives as well as their own. Actively seek and provide feedback, support decision making processes, and manage any conflicts of interest that may arise in their work with integrity, fairness and consistency in decision making.
S19 S19: develop their own professional competence reflecting on their CPD records and develop an extended network to support the relevant professional organisations and maintain the required standard of, ethical behaviours and codes of conduct, associated with transport planning.

A Transport Planner will:

B1 B1: demonstrate a commitment to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of transport systems through innovative solutions that support economic growth and a more sustainable society.
B2 B2: demonstrate self-awareness of knowledge and skills, and only undertake work which they are competent to do.
B3 B3: demonstrate a strong personal commitment to health, safety, and welfare, equality and diversity, organisational, professional and ethical standards (including data protection, client confidentiality, anti-bribery and corruption) recognising obligations to society and the profession.
B4 B4: work effectively and independently, including time-management, prioritisation, organisation, and delegation whilst being aware of the needs of others.
B5 B5: have an open-minded and critical approach to work and achieving outcomes.
B6 B6: have an active and positive attitude to collaborative working, respecting the benefit that diversity can bring. Demonstrating confidence and flexibility in dealing with new and changing situations.
B7 B7: demonstrate personal effectiveness by taking responsibility for personal and professional development, for example, by demonstrating a lifelong commitment to learning and development, identifying appropriate continuing and professional development necessary to maintain and enhance knowledge and competence as a transport planner.

Topic (and TPP Mapping)

In this occupation a fully competent employee can: A Transport Planner will know and understand the: A Transport Planner will be able to: A Transport Planner will:

1. Creation through to delivery of transport plans

create, plan, coordinate and deliver transport planning projects, processes or policies. Transport Planners provide and review highly complex technical input, provide advice and guidance, identify challenges, adapt and refine their approach to solving transport challenges. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5 S1, S2, S3, S4 B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6

2. Providing information in line with requirements

prepare, produce, review and present documents and recommendations to support the delivery of transport solutions. They seek and provide information, carry out problem solving and support decision-making processes, in accordance with relevant strategy, policy, legal, regulatory and funding requirements, and codes of practice.

K3, K4, K17 S1, S3, S17 B1, B3, B4, B6

3. Quality Assurance of Project Outputs

deliver timely quality assured project outputs, provide progress reporting of tasks and projects, and manage resources including people, apply financial controls and budgets. K3, K4, K5 S1, S3, S4 B3, B4, B5, B6
4. Managing Data lead the collection, analysis and interpretation of complex transport planning information and data to support the development of transport solutions. K6, K7 S5, S6

B2, B3, B4, B6

5. Managing models and forecasting

build appropriate transport models capable of providing forecasts and input to operational, environmental and economic appraisal of transport solutions. K8, K9 S7, S8 B2, B4, B5, B6

6. Assessing Transport Planning Solutions

develop, refine and apply appraisal methods to evaluate and monitor the impact and effectiveness of transport planning solutions. K10, K11 S9 B1, B2, B4, B5

7. Designing Transport Solutions

contribute to the preliminary and detailed design, development, and operational appraisal of safe and sustainable transport solutions. K1, K2, K5, K12, K13, K14 S2, S3, S4, S10, S11, S12

B1, B2, B4, B5, B6

8. Developing sustainable transport and travel solutions

design transport solutions and behavioural change programmes that influence travel behaviours and improve sustainability. K2, K15 S2, S13 B1, B2, B4, B5

9. Engaging with Stakeholders

lead, consolidate and evaluate community and stakeholder engagement, and public consultations, taking care to understand, liaise, negotiate, evaluate and act appropriately on advice and different perspectives from a range of stakeholders and statutory consultees. K16, K17, K18 S14, S14  

B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6

10. Working within policy and regulatory framework

 interpret and apply regulatory and policy requirements appropriately to proposed transport projects and processes. They ensure compliance with transport, environmental, quality systems, health and safety and risk management procedures, and support organisations to conduct their activities in an appropriate manner.  K1, K2, K3, K4, K12  S1, S2, S3, S10, S16  B1, B2, B3, B4, B6 

11. Personal and inter-personal management

 work independently and with others, supervise, and support the training of others in the wider team to implement transport projects, processes and policies effectively and efficiently. They also recognise where specialist technical input is required, seek this appropriately, and review these contributions.  K19, K20   S15, S18, S19 



B2, B3, B4, B6, B9


12. Professional Development

 take responsibility for their own personal and professional development, keeping up to date with technical knowledge and skills, and recording these through CPD records. They provide professional guidance and support to colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders (technical and non-technical), having regard for sustainable approaches and solutions, and the communication methods used.  K18, K19, K20  S15, S18, S19  

B3, B4, B6, B7


Proposed Route: Transport and Logistics

Typical duration of apprenticeship (months): 60

Proposed occupational Level: 6


Qualification and Level

This is a level 6 integrated degree apprenticeship, and all candidates must complete a level 6 BSc(Hons) Transport Planning degree throughout which they will need to demonstrate their mathematical and numeracy capability beyond level 2 throughout their Apprenticeship.

Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment.  For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeships English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.  

Title: BSc(Hons) Transport Planning

Level of qualification: 6 (Integrated Degree)

The name of all the Universities delivering the integrated degree:

University of the West of England (UWE)

Aston University

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements will be decided by individual employers and with the training provider. Candidates might have three A-levels, equivalent relevant Level 3 qualifications, or will have successfully complete the Level 3 Transport Planning Technician Apprenticeship. Candidates will need to be numerate and show a willingness to improve their numerical and mathematical capability.

Professional recognition

The standard must link to professional registration where this exists for the occupation.

Transport Planning Society MTPS
Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation MCIHT

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Status: Approved for delivery
Level: 6
Degree: integrated degree
Reference: ST0698
Version: 1.0
Date updated: 11/06/2019
Approved for delivery: 11 June 2019
Route: Construction and the built environment
Typical duration to gateway : 60 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £23000
LARS Code: 462
EQA Provider: Office for Students
Employers involved in creating the standard: Peter Brett Associates, Aecom, ARUP, Jacobs, i-Transport, Leeds City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Mott MacDonald, Peter-Davison, Systra, TFGM, TFL, Wakefield County Council, Wood, WSP, Atkins, Capita, Curtins, Exemplas, Landor, Suffolk County Council, The Transportation Consultancy, Via Solutions, Wakefield County Council, West Yorks

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Approved for delivery 11/06/2019 Not set

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