This apprenticeship is in development and is subject to change
Why is this apprenticeship not ready for delivery?
An apprenticeship is only available for delivery when both the standard and assessment plan is approved and a funding band (core government contribution) has been assigned to the standard.
How can I get involved?
If you'd like to get involved and contribute to the development of this apprenticeship, please read about developing standards and assessment plans. You can email the trailblazer contact using the details on this page.
End-point assessment (EPA plan)
Rigorous robust and independent assessment undertaken by an apprentice at the end of training to test that the apprentice can perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) set out in the occupational standard
End-point assessment organisation (EPAO)
An organisation approved to deliver end-point assessment for a particular apprenticeship standard. EPAOs must be on the register of end-point assessment organisations
Holistic or synoptic
Assessment of an apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours in an integrated way i.e. assessing several KSBs at the same time
Knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB)
What is needed to competently undertake the duties required for an occupational standard
Referred to in relation to assessment methods; fit for purpose
Earliest start date
The Earliest Start Date is the date from which this standard-version can be used.
Employers involved in creating the standard: SMF Crouch & Co, Nigel Bunce, Stephen Letch, Brian Chalk, Richard Moore, Andrew Osmand, Dominic Meek, Hallsworth Thatching Ltd, Jack Lewis, Roger Scanlan, Alan Lewis
Version log
Version |
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Earliest start date |
Latest start date |
Not set |
Not set |
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