Overview of the role

Lay mastic asphalt on to a wide range of surfaces and structures.

Details of standard

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in Construction. The broad purpose of the occupation is to lay mastic asphalt on to a wide range of surfaces and structures. The occupation requires knowledge of a unique material that is applied in a molten form, including an understanding of how it is correctly heated and agitated so that it is transformed from solid into the correct molten condition to be applied. Skills and knowledge must be developed to ensure the apprentice can select the correct tools and resources for use, and prepare surfaces for the effective application of asphalt. It is a skilled hand-craft that requires perfecting a range of techniques to apply asphalt to a variety of surfaces (including vertical, sloping and angled) to achieve proper adhesion; and a waterproof, seamless and smooth finish.

The Mastic Asphalter provides robust, flexible and long-lasting seamless waterproofing and protection to a variety of surfaces - particularly those exposed to the elements e.g. flat roofs; where high levels of footfall require a robust and waterproof finish e.g. balconies and walkways; to create asphalt membranes to ensures water tightness in damp conditions e.g. tanking for basements; and to create robust but aesthetic floor finishes e.g. Terrazzo flooring. In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with Supervisors and Charge-Hands from their own company and colleagues who order materials and facilities. They liaise with site managers, surveyors, and other construction trades taking place alongside their work e.g. scaffolding, brickwork, carpentry.
Employers range from SMEs to large national companies.

The work environment is wherever mastic asphalt is laid: roofs; balconies; basements; car parks; paving/bridges; and flooring, with volumes varying from 1 to 1000’s of square metres. The work is predominantly outside and often exposed to the elements. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for ensuring they have the correct materials, tools and facilities to undertake a project, conforming to health, safety and welfare requirements at all times. The employee will receive instruction from a Supervisor including more senior and experienced Mastic Asphalters / Charge-Hands, therefore they have limited autonomy in the workplace. The work place can be residential or commercial in nature, requiring awareness of the needs and safety of people living or working on or adjacent to the working environment. Organisations require the same mastic asphalt craft skills and knowledge. As a result the skills are transferable across the full range of companies employing Mastic Asphalters.

Typical job titles include:

Mastic asphalt spreader Mastic asphalter

Occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Carry out workplace risk assessments.

K1 K2 K4 K5

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

B1 B4

Duty 2 Plan a method of work to meet the requirements of a project/specification of works.

K2 K3 K4 K5

S2 S3 S4

B1 B2 B4

Duty 3 Plan work activities and resources for an occupational work area in the workplace.

K1 K2 K3 K5

S1 S2 S3 S4

B1 B2 B4

Duty 4 Move, handle and store resources in the workplace.

K1 K4 K5

S1 S2

B1 B2 B4

Duty 5 Prepare resources for Mastic Asphalt in the workplace.

K1 K3 K4 K5 K7

S1 S2 S3 S5 S6

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 6 Prepare backgrounds for Mastic Asphalt in the workplace.

K1 K6 K7

S1 S2 S3 S5 S7

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 7 Apply Mastic Asphalt in the workplace.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8

S1 S2 S3 S8

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 8 Repair and maintain Mastic Asphalt coverings in the workplace.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9

S1 S2 S3 S7 S8 S9

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 9 Apply Mastic Asphalt to special features in the workplace.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K10

S1 S2 S3 S7 S8 S9 S10

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 10 Develop and maintain good occupational working relationships in the workplace.

K1 K3 K4 K11

S1 S3

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 11 Carry out site measurements and evaluations in the workplace.

K1 K2 K6 K8

S1 S2 S3 S4 S11

B1 B2 B3 B4



K1: Health and Safety. Understanding of relevant health, safety, welfare and environmental legislation*, safe working practices including when working at height. * Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (including Asbestos Containing Materials). Working at Height Regulations 2005 Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998 Manual Handling Operations Regs 1992. Reporting Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence 2013. Construction Design Management Regs 2015 Code of Practice for Mastic Asphalting BS 8218:1998 Note: Extant legislation and guidance is listed. This may be replaced by subsequent legislation and guidance that the individual would to understand. Back to Duty

K2: Interpreting Information: Understanding of plans, works specifications, drawings, risk assessments, oral instructions, manufacturers instructions, and method statements. Understanding organisational procedures for incorrect or inappropriate information. Back to Duty

K3: Programme of Works: Understanding the purpose of a Programme of Work and why deadlines should be kept. Back to Duty

K4: Disposal of Waste: Understanding of environmental responsibilities, organisational procedures, manufacturers’ information, statutory regulations and official guidance regarding the disposal of waste. Back to Duty

K5: Resources. Understanding of organisational procedures for the selection, security and storage of resources; the use and characteristics of resources, including potential hazards and there control (CoSHH); organisational procedures for incorrect or inappropriate information. Understanding of relevant resources and materials used in Mastic Asphalt work e.g. asphalt, felt, control layers, solar protection, primers. Back to Duty

K6: Backgrounds and Structures Understanding of the types and characteristics of the structures, substrates and backgrounds, where mastic asphalt can be applied. Back to Duty

K7: Minimise the Risk of Damage: Understanding of how to protect work from damage and the purpose of protection; Back to Duty

K8: Mastic Asphalt: Understanding of the composition of mastic asphalt, its preparation and application in the workplace. Back to Duty

K9: Repair and Maintenance: Understanding of the causes of damage to mastic asphalt, and the measures that can be taken to repair and maintain mastic asphalt Back to Duty

K10: Special Features: Identification of Special Features and how mastic asphalt is applied to these features. Back to Duty

K11: Working Relationships: Understand how to apply the principles of equality and diversity and how to maintain good working relationships. Back to Duty


S1: Health and Safety: Ability to identify, anticipate and mitigate health, safety and welfare risks in the working environment, including the correct use of relevant PPE; ability to correctly deploy control equipment e.g. fire extinguishers. Back to Duty

S2: Literacy and Numeracy: Ability to understand and interpret data and information using literacy and numeracy skills. Ability to undertake correct calculations with regard to the measurement of lengths, areas, quantities and wastage. Back to Duty

S3: Communication: Good listening, written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to communicate complex or technical information in a clear and understandable manner. Back to Duty

S4: Recording Information: Ability to produce concise and accurate written records in a timely manner. Back to Duty

S5: Preparation: Ability to select the correct occupational resources; protect the occupational resources and their surrounding area from damage; dispose of waste and packaging in accordance with legislation; and maintain a clean work space. Back to Duty

S6: Activity: Ability to measure, cut, prepare, check, monitor, use and maintain hand tools and ancillary equipment; prepare resources and materials to given working instructions for mastic asphalt, fittings and fixings, plant and equipment. Back to Duty

S7: Backgrounds: Prepare backgrounds for mastic asphalt to given working instructions for substrates; primers; and undertake remedial work to backgrounds. Back to Duty

S8: Mastic Asphalt: Ability to apply mastic asphalt to given working instructions for flat and inclined surfaces; perimeter details; outlets and intrusions; and surface applications. Back to Duty

S9: Repairs and Maintenance: Ability to evaluate surface condition and repair and maintain mastic asphalt to given working instructions with cracks, splits and blisters; removal of debris and freeing blockages Back to Duty

S10: Special Features: Ability to apply mastic asphalt to given working instructions for sumps; tanking; curved and/or overhead surfaces; flat, inclined and vertical surfaces; and decorative surface finishes Back to Duty

S11: Measurements and Evaluations: Ability to accurately measure, mark out, evaluate, and report on site findings. Back to Duty


B1: Positive and Professional: A positive and professional attitude to work. Demonstrating appropriate preparation for the workplace, punctuality, correct attire (including PPE); a serious attitude to health, safety and welfare in the workplace, questioning unsafe behaviours and incorrect work practices and procedures. Pro-active mindset, committed to undertaking work to a high standard. Back to Duty

B2: Self-Motivated: Self - motivated to undertake work to the required standard and within the allocated time. Working with minimal supervision and demonstrating an enquiring mind with a willingness to learn. Showing initiative, able to identify potential problems and suggest solutions to overcome problems in a practical and cost-effective manner. Back to Duty

B3: Customer Care: A commitment to meeting the needs of customers to the required standard, including an understanding that customer needs may change at short notice and being able to respond to these changes in a positive and constructive way.. Understanding that there will be a range of customers, colleagues, other trades, and stakeholders (e.g. users of a building) to work with and alongside. A commitment to the principles of equality and diversity. Back to Duty

B4: Communication: Committed to listening and applying learning. Patient and methodical approach to communication skills, understanding that complex information will need to be communicated to people with varying levels of knowledge of technical issues, and being able to tailor communication as appropriate to the knowledge of the recipient. Back to Duty


English and Maths

Additional details

Occupational Level:


Duration (months):



Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
Level: 2
Reference: ST0750
Version: 1.0
Date updated: 15/02/2023
Approved for delivery: 17 May 2021
Route: Construction and the built environment
Typical duration to gateway: 34 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £12000
LARS Code: 623
EQA Provider: Ofqual
Employers involved in creating the standard: Sussex Asphalte, Mastic Asphalt Council, Bell Asphalt, Briggs Amasco Ltd, Infallible Systems Ltd, Oxford Asphalt, Premier Mastic Asphalt, Rio Asphalt & Paving Co, Mastic Asphalt Dept New City College, IKO PLC, CITB

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Approved for delivery 20/05/2021 Not set

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