This is not the latest approved version of this apprenticeship. View the latest version

This apprenticeship has been retired

Overview of the role

Providing high-quality and compassionate specialist health and social care for a range of people.

Details of standard

This standard has options. Display duties and KSBs for:

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in the health and care sector. Senior Healthcare Support Workers work in a range of settings for example in a hospital, as part of a community team, in a day-case unit, birthing centre, individual’s homes, operating theatres, nursing or care homes, hospices and in general practice.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to support registered healthcare professionals in the delivery of high quality and compassionate health and care services. A Senior Healthcare Support Worker will provide clinical, therapeutic or diagnostic care under the direct or indirect supervision of a registered healthcare professional. For this standard, one of the following occupational options will be completed:

1.     Adult Nursing Support:  Providing care and support for adults as part of the nursing team. Some of the individuals the adult nursing support worker cares for will have short-term needs for example, if they have a wound which requires dressing. Others may have long-term conditions which affect them every day, all their lives. Many individuals will have more than one condition, and some will need round the clock care for all their personal needs including feeding, washing, going to the toilet as well as for their clinical needs.

2.     Maternity Support: Providing care and support for women, babies and their families as part of the maternity team. The maternity support worker will contribute to the care of women antenatally and during birth, and care for women and babies postnatally. They support new parents to care for their baby and to develop confidence and bonding.

3.     Theatre Support: Providing care and support for individuals before, during and after operations as part of the multi-disciplinary theatre team. They will support individuals as they are preparing to go into theatre, reassuring them if they are anxious, and helping them move them back to recovery following their procedure. The theatre support worker will support the operating team by checking individuals into the theatre department, preparing equipment, counting swabs or other instruments and measuring fluids. They may be involved in routine, traumatic and emergency surgery.

4.     Mental Health Support: Providing care and support for individuals with mental ill health as part of the multi-disciplinary mental health team. They will support individuals, and their families, at different stages of their recovery by listening, providing emotional support, collaboratively developing care plans, implementing them creatively and reviewing them to meet the needs of the individual.  The mental health support worker observes and reports changes in mental and physical well-being, encouraging independence and enabling individuals to live their life and achieve their goals. Usually, they will have to work closely with carers and with other organisations for example in housing and social care.

5.     Children and Young People Support: Providing care and support for babies, infants, children and young people as part of the children’s team. They work within guidelines and legislation designed to protect and support children and young people, recognising the different needs and rights they have at different ages and stages of their development. The children and young people support worker promotes person and family-centred care, including looked-after children, and working in partnership with parents, carers, families and other services and agencies.

6.     Allied Health Profession Therapy Support: Providing care and support for individuals through therapeutic activities as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Illness, disability or a change in life circumstances often means that individuals have to learn or be supported to do things in new and different ways. This can change the pattern of a life-course, but individuals can often expect to regain and enjoy a quality of life with support and rehabilitation. Some individuals may have short-term needs, others may have long-term physical and/or mental ill health or a learning disability that affects their independence, function or way of living. The therapy support worker will be required to work with the individual either on their own or within a group setting. They may also work with others to support the individual eg training carers or working with families.

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with

  • Patients, service users and carers
  • Registered healthcare professionals, for example doctors, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals
  • Social care staff including registered managers, care workers and social workers
  • Administration, management and other non-clinical staff like porters, cleaners and receptionists

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for working within the limits of their competence, following standards, policies or protocols and agreed ways of working to provide a range of clinical, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions as part of the wider health and care team. Senior Healthcare Support Workers report to a registered healthcare professional and undertake delegated activities in line with an individual’s care plan. Senior Healthcare Support Workers use their knowledge, experience and understanding to take decisions within their area of responsibility. They are accountable for their own work and for reviewing the effectiveness of their actions. Senior Healthcare Support Workers may supervise or guide other staff in their team. They must communicate effectively and be able to adhere to standards, including legislation, employer policies and procedures when handling sensitive information. They must maintain a safe and healthy working environment and keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

Typical job titles include:

Community support worker Maternity support worker Mental health support worker Senior healthcare support worker Theatre assistant Therapy assistant

Core occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 Act within the limits of own competence and within agreed ways of working, following the relevant local and national standards, policies and protocols used in the workplace.

K1 K2 K3 K4

S1 S2 S3 S4

B1 B2 B3

Duty 2 Promote the health and wellbeing of individuals.

K5 K6

S5 S6

B1 B2 B3

Duty 3 Monitor the physical and mental health and well-being of individuals in your care.

K7 K8 K9 K28

S7 S8 S9 S28

B1 B2 B3

Duty 4 Use communication methods and techniques to overcome barriers and meet individuals’ wishes, preferences and needs.

K10 K11

S10 S11

B1 B2 B3

Duty 5 Maintain the health, safety and security of yourself and others in the workplace by identifying risks and taking appropriate action to keep people safe.

K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17

S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17

B1 B2 B3

Duty 6 Maintain and further develop your own skills and knowledge and contribute to the development of others.

K18 K19 K20

S18 S19 S20

B1 B2 B3

Duty 7 Record, report and store information related to individuals, keeping information confidential.

K21 K22

S21 S22

B1 B2 B3

Duty 8 Contribute to the quality of services by participating in improvement activities.

K23 K24 K25

S23 S24 S25

B1 B2 B3

Duty 9 Provide leadership for others within the scope of own role.

K26 K27

S26 S27

B1 B2 B3

Option duties

Adult nursing support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 10 Undertake delegated nursing care and support for adults.

K29 K30 K31 K32 K33 K34 K35 K36

S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36

B1 B2 B3

Maternity support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 11 Undertake delegated maternity care and support for women, babies and their families.

K32 K34 K35 K37 K38 K39 K40 K41 K42 K43 K44 K45

S32 S34 S35 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45

B1 B2 B3

Theatre support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 12 Undertake delegated peri-operative care and support for individuals.

K46 K47 K48 K49 K50 K51 K52 K53 K54

S46 S47 S48 S49 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54

B1 B2 B3

Mental health support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 13 Undertake delegated therapeutic techniques and interventions for individuals to promote mental health recovery.

K35 K55 K56 K57 K58 K59 K60 K61 K62 K63

S35 S55 S56 S57 S58 S59 S60 S61 S62 S63

B1 B2 B3

Children and young people support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 14 Undertake delegated clinical and therapeutic activities for children, young people and their families.

K29 K30 K31 K32 K33 K34 K35 K64 K65 K66 K67

S29 S30 S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S64 S65 S66 S67

B1 B2 B3

Allied health profession therapy support duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 15 Undertake delegated therapeutic activities to support individuals in meeting their optimum potential.

K34 K68 K69 K70 K71 K72 K73 K74 K75 K76 K77

S34 S68 S69 S70 S71 S72 S73 S74 S75 S76 S77

B1 B2 B3



K1: The legislation, policies, standards, local ways of working and codes of conduct that apply to own role. Back to Duty

K2: The scope of practice, limitations of own competence, including limitations of own role in relation to medication and who to ask for support. Back to Duty

K3: The principles of ‘person-centred care and support’, including principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, active participation, consent and choice. Back to Duty

K4: The principles of a ‘duty of care’ and ‘safeguarding’, the signs of abuse and ways to reduce the risk of abuse. Back to Duty

K5: National and local definitions of health and well-being and priorities for promoting public health and reducing inequalities. Back to Duty

K6: The availability of services to support individuals with lifestyle choices and how to make a referral if required. Back to Duty

K7: The signs and symptoms that an individual’s health and wellbeing is changing, including the role of prescribed medication. Back to Duty

K8: The signs and symptoms that an individual is in pain, distress or discomfort. Back to Duty

K9: The principles of hydration, nutrition and food safety. Back to Duty

K10: Communication techniques to maximise understanding including for individuals with specific communication needs or wishes. Back to Duty

K11: The meaning of ‘capacity’, the differences between mental illness, dementia and learning disability and the impact of these conditions on an individual’s needs. Back to Duty

K12: The principles of infection prevention and control and the importance of good personal hygiene, hand hygiene and correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Back to Duty

K13: Local systems and processes to manage the supply, storage, use and safe disposal of stocks and supplies. Back to Duty

K14: The principles of safe moving and assisting individuals, and moving and handling equipment. Back to Duty

K15: The meaning of ‘risk’ in the workplace, ways to raise concerns and own responsibilities in relation to incidents, errors and near misses. Back to Duty

K16: Techniques and principles to safely perform basic life support. Back to Duty

K17: The common causes of conflict and how to respond to them in the workplace. Back to Duty

K18: The importance of continuing personal and professional development. Back to Duty

K19: The local arrangements for appraisal of performance in the workplace. Back to Duty

K20: The principles of reflective practice. Back to Duty

K21: Ways to record and store information securely, including the safe use of technology. Back to Duty

K22: The principles of confidentiality, duty of confidence and disclosure. Back to Duty

K23: The principles of ‘quality improvement’ and ways to measure quality in the workplace. Back to Duty

K24: The principles of investigatory techniques, research and evidence-based practice, and how to access existing evidence and use it to validate and improve practice. Back to Duty

K25: The principles of critical thinking and methods of critical appraisal. Back to Duty

K26: The principles and styles of leadership in relation to own role and place of work. Back to Duty

K27: The relationship and differences between leadership, management, supervision and mentoring. Back to Duty

K28: The physiological states, their normal ranges and the correct tools or equipment to use to measure them. Back to Duty

K29: The activities of daily living and ways to support individuals to develop and maintain their independence in carrying out these activities. Back to Duty

K30: The structure and function of the skin and underlying tissues and factors that lead to tissues being compromised. Back to Duty

K31: The principles of wound management and the equipment and materials that are used to treat wounds. Back to Duty

K32: Methods for taking and testing specimens. Back to Duty

K33: The end of life phase and the factors which impact care during the end of life phase. Back to Duty

K34: Local systems for discharge and transfer and the availability of services and agencies offered by the wider health and social care system. Back to Duty

K35: The signs and symptoms that indicate an individual’s physical or mental health and wellbeing are deteriorating. Back to Duty

K36: How to support adults to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Back to Duty

K37: Strategies to engage women and carers in feeding, bathing, parenting and self-care such as antenatal and postnatal exercise. Back to Duty

K38: Local and national antenatal and newborn screening services and immunisation programmes. Back to Duty

K39: Local systems and protocols to maintain the maternity environment including procedures to maintain the supply of resources, instruments and equipment. Back to Duty

K40: The purpose of a urethral catheter and the importance of regular monitoring. Back to Duty

K41: Local security procedures for women and babies including systems for woman and baby identification. Back to Duty

K42: The routine checks and observations undertaken for a healthy baby such as cord care, eye care, oral hygiene, stools and signs of neo-natal jaundice. Back to Duty

K43: The nutritional and hygiene needs of babies, the benefits of different feeding methods and the importance of skin to skin contact in bonding. Back to Duty

K44: The principles of supporting families at difficult times, bereavement and loss and the availability of other support services. Back to Duty

K45: The scope of their own role in an emergency situation during pregnancy, labour, birth or the postnatal period. Back to Duty

K46: Local systems and protocols for completing pre- and post-operative checklists. Back to Duty

K47: The principles of asepsis and maintenance of the sterile field in relation to the provision of surgical instrumentation and medical devices to the surgical team. Back to Duty

K48: Local systems and protocols for team briefing, patient sign in, timeout, sign out and debriefing. Back to Duty

K49: The effects of pre-medication, sedation and anaesthesia on individuals. Back to Duty

K50: The purpose for recording an individual’s body fluid and factors that affect input, output and wound drainage. Back to Duty

K51: Techniques used in the peri-operative environment to position individuals and specialist equipment for before, during and after surgery. Back to Duty

K52: The types, purpose and function of surgical instruments and supplementary items used in theatre such as the cost implications of items used and the impact on the commissioning of surgical procedures. Back to Duty

K53: The importance of identification, measurement, accounting for and recording swabs, sharps, instruments or other disposable items used and the actions to take if one is missing. Back to Duty

K54: Types and uses of containers for transport, procedures for labelling, handling, dispatching recording and reporting for clinical specimens and blood products. Back to Duty

K55: The nature of mental health and well-being and the main forms of mental ill health according to the psychiatric International Classification of Diseases and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM/ICD) classification system. Back to Duty

K56: The main interventions in mental health and well-being and the benefits of early intervention. Back to Duty

K57: The needs of individuals with mental ill health and those supporting them at key stages and through times of change or transition. Back to Duty

K58: Techniques used to build, monitor and sustain therapeutic relationships with individuals, carers and their families. Back to Duty

K59: The factors that facilitate an individual’s recovery experience. Back to Duty

K60: The impact of the individual’s mental ill-health on their life, family, friendships and active participation in society Back to Duty

K61: Risk factors of harm to self or others, a range of triggers and consideration of the impact of the environment. Back to Duty

K62: Prevention and risk reduction strategies which involve the individual and others, such as suicide mitigation, behaviours which challenge, substance misuse and self-neglect and reduction of restrictive practices. Back to Duty

K63: The importance of own mental health and wellbeing when working in mental health services. Back to Duty

K64: Principles and techniques to engage children and young people in therapeutic play. Back to Duty

K65: The main life transitions for children and young people and the importance of involving the child or young person in their own care in line with legal policy and service frameworks for children and young people. Back to Duty

K66: The importance of family-centred care and the role of the public health agenda in promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of children and young people, to include looked-after children and young carers. Back to Duty

K67: The expected physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social and developmental milestones, the tools and equipment to measure and assess them and how to adapt practice to meet additional needs. Back to Duty

K68: The care planning process and therapeutic strategies used within own role to promote and enable independence, self-management, social integration, recovery and skills for everyday life. Back to Duty

K69: Local systems for undertaking clinical risk assessments and management plans relevant to own work setting. Back to Duty

K70: The potential impact of mental and physical capacity, health condition, learning disability or overall wellbeing on therapeutic or clinical interventions. Back to Duty

K71: Strategies and approaches to rehabilitate or maximise an individual’s function. Back to Duty

K72: Strategies and tools available to engage individuals or communities in group sessions. Back to Duty

K73: Activities and resources available within the community and the means to access them. Back to Duty

K74: Local systems for sourcing, ordering and fitting therapeutic equipment and resources and the criteria for provision. Back to Duty

K75: The purpose and function of the therapeutic equipment and resources available, including its limitations and contra-indications. Back to Duty

K76: Strategies and tools available to engage individuals in learning how to use therapeutic equipment and resources. Back to Duty

K77: Protocols for checking, reporting and adapting therapeutic equipment and resources. Back to Duty


S1: Work in line with legislation, policies, standards, local ways of working and codes of conduct that apply to own role. Back to Duty

S2: Work within the scope of practice, the limits of own knowledge and skills, escalating and reporting to others when needed. Back to Duty

S3: Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to provide safe and non-discriminatory person-centred care and support with individuals’ established consent. Back to Duty

S4: Implement a duty of care, recognising and responding to safeguarding and protection concerns and acting in the best interest of individuals to ensure they do not come to harm. Back to Duty

S5: Support individuals to make informed and positive lifestyle choices. Back to Duty

S6: Actively seek out and act on opportunities to support individuals to maximise their health, well-being and positive lifestyle choices. Back to Duty

S7: Recognise and respond to changes in an individual’s health and wellbeing. Back to Duty

S8: Recognise and respond to the signs and symptoms that an individual is in pain, distress or discomfort to maximise comfort and well-being. Back to Duty

S9: Promote and monitor access to fluids and nutrition in line with an individual’s care plan. Back to Duty

S10: Communicate with individuals, their families, carers and others in the workplace using techniques designed to facilitate understanding. Back to Duty

S11: Recognise and respond to limitations in an individual’s mental capacity. Back to Duty

S12: Maintain a safe and healthy working environment, using infection prevention and control techniques including hand washing, sanitisation, disinfection and personal protective equipment (PPE). Back to Duty

S13: Maintain the safe supply, storage, use and disposal of supplies and equipment. Back to Duty

S14: Move and handle equipment or other items safely and assist individuals. Back to Duty

S15: Take appropriate action in response to concerns, risks, incidents or errors and near misses arising in the workplace. Back to Duty

S16: Perform basic life support techniques. Back to Duty

S17: Recognise and respond to potential conflict, challenging behaviour or an escalating situation. Back to Duty

S18: Undertake own training and development activities and contribute to the training and development of others. Back to Duty

S19: Participate in appraisal to support professional development. Back to Duty

S20: Reflect on and develop your own practice. Back to Duty

S21: Record and store information related to individuals securely, including the safe use of technology. Back to Duty

S22: Report and share information related to individuals securely and in line with local and national policies, maintaining confidentiality, duty of confidence and disclosure. Back to Duty

S23: Participate in and support others with quality improvement activities in the workplace. Back to Duty

S24: Use investigatory techniques to source evidence to validate and improve the delivery of care and support within own scope of practice. Back to Duty

S25: Critically appraise sources of information and apply to practice. Back to Duty

S26: Provide leadership and act as a role model for others within the scope of own role. Back to Duty

S27: Contribute to mentoring and supervision of others in the workplace within the scope of own role. Back to Duty

S28: Undertake physiological measurements, selecting and using the correct tools or equipment. Back to Duty

S29: Support individuals with activities of daily living to develop and maintain their independence in line with their desired outcomes and plan of care. Back to Duty

S30: Assist with tissue viability risk assessments and manage pressure areas. Back to Duty

S31: Assist with wound care in line with the care plan. Back to Duty

S32: Obtain and test specimens in line with the care plan. Back to Duty

S33: Provide care and support for individuals and their family during the end-of-life phase. Back to Duty

S34: Contribute to signposting to relevant agencies and , discharge or transfer of individuals between services, in line with their care plan. Back to Duty

S35: Recognise and respond to deteriorations in physical health, mental health and wellbeing. Back to Duty

S36: Support adults to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and for managing their own condition. Back to Duty

S37: Assist the midwife with teaching, feeding and hygiene needs of babies-parenting skills and antenatal and postnatal exercise. Back to Duty

S38: Assist health care professionals with antenatal and newborn screening and provide information to parents about immunisation activities. Back to Duty

S39: Provide support to the maternity team by maintaining the supply of resources, instruments and equipment. Back to Duty

S40: Support personal care such as providing care for women with urethral catheters. Back to Duty

S41: Identify the baby and provide wristband or label in line with local security procedures. Back to Duty

S42: Care for the physical needs of babies by undertaking routine healthy baby observations and reporting any abnormalities. Back to Duty

S43: Support parents and carers to meet the developmental, nutritional and hygiene needs of babies. Back to Duty

S44: Work in partnership with families and other support services to support individuals in difficult circumstances, bereavement and loss. Back to Duty

S45: Provide support to the midwife and others in the multi-disciplinary team in an emergency situation during pregnancy, labour, birth or the postnatal period. Back to Duty

S46: Complete pre- and post-operative checklists. Back to Duty

S47: Support the surgical team to maintain the sterile field. Back to Duty

S48: Participate in team briefing, patient sign in, timeout, sign out and debriefing. Back to Duty

S49: Support and monitor the pre-medicated, sedated and unconscious individual. Back to Duty

S50: Measure and record an individual’s body fluid balance. Back to Duty

S51: Move, position and transport individuals and specialist equipment before, during and after surgery. Back to Duty

S52: Prepare the clinical environment and provide surgical instrumentation and supplementary items for the surgical team. Back to Duty

S53: Carry out counts for swabs, sharps, instruments and disposable items and take action if something is missing. Back to Duty

S54: Assist in receiving, handling and dispatching clinical specimens or blood products. Back to Duty

S55: Use strategies and tools to promote mental wellbeing and to support individuals with mental ill health. Back to Duty

S56: Observe, record and report changes and barriers, using proactive approaches to manage behaviour which challenges. Back to Duty

S57: Take an active approach in supporting individuals to manage their condition. Back to Duty

S58: Build, monitor and sustain therapeutic relationships with individuals, carers and their families. Back to Duty

S59: Promote a recovery-based approach that enables the individual to manage their condition. Back to Duty

S60: Enable and empower individuals to actively participate in society and recognise the impact of mental health on them and others. Back to Duty

S61: Identify situations of risk to yourself or others and take action including seeking support. Back to Duty

S62: Involve the individual, carers and family members in risk management processes. Back to Duty

S63: Review and promote your own mental health and wellbeing. Back to Duty

S64: Support the development of children and young people through therapeutic play and learning. Back to Duty

S65: Support children and young people through transitions by enabling shared or independent decision making. Back to Duty

S66: Support parents, families and carers to meet the needs of children and young people. Back to Duty

S67: Support children and young people before, during or after diagnostic, clinical or therapeutic procedures. Back to Duty

S68: Provide therapeutic support in line with care plans to encourage independence, self-management and skills for everyday life. Back to Duty

S69: Assist with undertaking clinical risk assessments and management plans. Back to Duty

S70: Recognise the impact of mental or physical capacity, health condition, learning disability or overall wellbeing on the therapeutic or clinical task or intervention and when to adapt. Back to Duty

S71: Enable individuals to meet optimum potential. Back to Duty

S72: Facilitate group sessions to support health and well-being of individuals or communities. Back to Duty

S73: Support people to engage in the community and access activities or resources in line with their treatment goals. Back to Duty

S74: Identify, order or fit therapeutic equipment and resources in line with the individual’s care plan. Back to Duty

S75: Use equipment and resources therapeutically in a safe way in line with local policy and procedure. Back to Duty

S76: Demonstrate and teach the safe and appropriate use of therapeutic equipment and resources. Back to Duty

S77: Complete safety checks for therapeutic equipment and resources, following protocols to report issues or make adaptations if appropriate. Back to Duty


B1: Treat people with dignity. Back to Duty

B2: Show respect and empathy. Back to Duty

B3: Be adaptable, reliable and consistent. Back to Duty


English and Maths

Other mandatory qualifications

Option qualification Applicable options

High Level Qualification

Level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support

Level: 3

Additional information: IAO 603/2467/3, NOCN 603/4310/2, iCQ 603/2428/4, BIIAB 603/2525/2, FAQ 603/2556/2, Gateway Qualifications 603/2504/5, City and Guilds 603/2544/6, TQUK 603/2494/6, NCFE Cache 603/2414/4, NCFE Cache 603/2412/0, Highfield 603/2558/6, Pearson 603/2462/4.

  • Adult nursing support
  • Maternity support
  • Theatre support
  • Mental health support
  • Children and young people support
  • Allied health profession therapy support

Additional details

Occupational Level:


Duration (months):



Status: Retired
Level: 3
Reference: ST0217
Version: 1.3
Date updated: 24/01/2023
Route: Health and science
Typical duration to gateway: 24 months
Typical EPA period: 3 months
Maximum funding: £5000
Options: Adult nursing support, Maternity support, Theatre support, Mental health support, Children and young people support, Allied health profession therapy support
LARS Code: 151
EQA Provider: Ofqual
Employers involved in creating the standard: Care UK, Derby Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Health Education England, HEE - Shape of Caring, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, Institute of Vocational Learning and Workforce Research, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust, Ministry of Defence (MoD), Norfolk & Suffolk Workforce Partnership (HEE East of England), Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, North Bristol NHS Trust, North East London Foundation Trust (Care City), North Somerset Community Partnership, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Nursing, Skills for Health, Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, St Christopher’s Hospice, St Giles Hospice, The Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, UNISON, University Hospital Birmingham, University Hospital Southampton NHS FT, Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.5 Standard revised 25/09/2023 Not set
1.4 Standard revised 03/04/2023 24/09/2023
1.3 End‐point assessment plan, standard and funding revised 01/11/2022 02/04/2023
1.2 The funding band for this standard has been reviewed as part of the apprenticeship funding band review. The new funding band is £5000. 03/10/2018 31/10/2022
1.1 End-point assessment plan revised 05/09/2018 02/10/2018
1.0 Approved for delivery 31/10/2016 04/09/2018

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