This apprenticeship has been retired

Overview of the role

Working with people who were convicted of crimes and providing rehabilitation services.

Details of standard

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in the National Probation Service, Community Rehabilitation Companies or voluntary sector organisations in partnership with statutory organisations. Probation Officers can be based in a variety of locations, including prisons, courts, hostels or community-based offices.

The broad purpose of the occupation is to protect the public by reducing re-offending, safeguarding victims and rehabilitating service users through effective engagement, monitoring and enforcement to ensure that the sentence of the court is delivered to a high standard. This includes working with the service user and other agencies to develop realistic plans to address the needs and develop a route out of offending. Consistent risk assessment, professional curiosity and liaison with other agencies are key factors in effective management of service users.

In their daily work, Probation Officers interact with complex and challenging individuals who pose a higher level of risk to the public and victims (for example individuals who have committed offences of a sexual, violent or extremist nature) To support this work, a Probation Officer is required to develop and maintain strong relationships with a range of partners including courts, police, prisons, local authority, youth justice teams, public/mental health providers and the voluntary sectors. This enables a Probation Officer to effectively manage the risk posed by complex and challenging individuals and formulate robust assessments and identification of intensive structure interventions. A Probation Officer is required to work from a range of locations including community office bases, prisons, courts or can be co-located within multi-agency teams. A Probation Officer is also required to undertake home visits.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for providing assessments of service users to aid sentencing and delivery of the sentence, with the aim of achieving long term change and a reduction in re-offending. A Probation Officer will develop ways of working that are grounded in academic research and capable of informing comprehensive plans of intervention, with involvement of specialists and provision from other professionals according to assessed risks, needs and vulnerabilities. A Probation Officer will have a heightened awareness of responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children and adults and child protection and will support victims of sexual offences, domestic abuse, extremism and hate crime. Probation Officers work as part of a team to meet operational targets, achieve high standards of quality. A Probation Officer is involved in the planning, development and evaluation of services and special projects. A Probation Officer shares their knowledge and experience, possibly overseeing the work of others with others.

Typical job titles include:

Offender manager Probation officer Responsible officer Senior case manager Senior responsible officer

Occupation duties

Duty Criteria for measuring performance KSBs

Duty 1 Carry out risk assessments on service users who pose higher levels of risk with complex needs, including sex offenders, domestic abuse perpetrators, individuals who resort to violence and extremist activities.

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

K1 K4 K7 K8 K10 K13

S15 S20

B1 B2 B7

Duty 2 Develop Sentence and Risk Management Plans that promote positive change

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

K1 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K13

S2 S5 S6 S7

B1 B2 B5

Duty 3 Manage and enforce the order of the court for higher risk service users, including individuals who commit sexual offences, domestic abuse, violence and other extremist behaviour.

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

Excellent interpersonal skills

K2 K7 K8 K10 K11 K12 K13

S8 S9 S10 S12 S13

B2 B5

Duty 4 Rehabilitate service users through strength based approaches for example desistance theory, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing techniques and person centred work.

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

Excellent interpersonal skills

K5 K6 K7 K10 K12 K13 K14 K15

S2 S8 S14 S18 S19

B1 B2 B3 B6 B7

Duty 5 Work with service users during their sentence, motivate and support them to change their attitudes and behaviour to reduce further offending and to help them to build social capital and reintegrate into the community, whilst proactively reviewing risk levels and sentence plans to ensure that public protection is maintained and progress monitored.

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer

policies and procedures

Excellent interpersonal skills

Planned activities meet service user needs and requirements

K4 K6 K7 K10

S2 S8 S12 S14

B2 B5 B6

Duty 6 Use your knowledge of local communities to connect individuals with the services they need including accommodation, substance misuse, mental/physical health, education, training and employment services

Excellent interpersonal skills

Planned activities meet service user needs and requirements

K5 K10 K12

S11 S13 S14

B2 B4

Duty 7 Identify, refer to and deliver interventions. Oversee the delivery and quality of interventions delivered to service users as part of their sentence plan.

Excellent interpersonal skills

Planned activities meet service user needs and requirements

Cost and quality standards meet

Business requirements

K8 K12 K13 K16

S10 S16 S18

B2 B3 B4 B5

Duty 8 Engage in multi-agency case working to ensure that the public and victims are protected. Liaise with Victim and Partner Link Workers about service users who have committed serious crimes e.g. violent or sexual offences.

3. Excellent interpersonal skills

Planned activities meet service user needs and requirements
Cost and quality standards meet

Business requirements

K1 K2 K5 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K16

S11 S14

B1 B2 B4

Duty 9 Represent the organisation in a range of strategic forums to promote the work of the organisation, build effective relationships and influence decision making.

Excellent interpersonal skills

K11 K16

S8 S11

B2 B4

Duty 10 Formulate accurate, robust and timely records

Compliance with employer policies and procedures


S3 S4 S7


Duty 11 Write professional reports supported by defensible decisions and recommendations for a range of audiences

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

Excellent interpersonal skills

K7 K9

S3 S5


Duty 12 Contribute to Quality Assurance arrangements to achieve best practice.

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

K3 K13



Duty 13 Use a range of digital tools to record information and maintain security of information on service users

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures




Duty 14 Proactively manage own continuous professional development, respond to and implement feedback. Provide professional advice and guidance to colleagues to achieve targets and quality outcomes.

Adherence to legislative requirements

Compliance with employer policies and procedures

Excellent interpersonal skills

K13 K14 K15 K16

S16 S17 S18




K1: Legislation relevant to all aspects of probation and rehabilitation including sentencing, dangerousness, risk assessment and management, human rights and equality and diversity. Back to Duty

K2: Organisational aims and structures and how they relate to the wider Criminal Justice System and the role of a Probation Officer. Back to Duty

K3: Key organisational policies and procedures, and how to embed these into practice. Back to Duty

K4: Different perspectives drawn from psychology, social theory, criminology, desistance research, behavioural sciences and their application. Back to Duty

K5: The reasoning behind and development of probation work with victims. Back to Duty

K6: The impact of prison upon the individual, prison and parole processes and stages of resettlement and re-integration into the community. Appreciation of the importance of planning and preparing the individual for release. Back to Duty

K7: The principles of professional judgement, including; defensible decision making, how to guard against own conscious or unconscious bias, how to maintain professional boundaries and how these principles support effective practice. Back to Duty

K8: The principles of effective risk assessment and management and how to apply these. Back to Duty

K9: The impact of prison upon the individual, prison and parole processes and stages of resettlement and re-integration into the community. Appreciation of the importance of planning and preparing the individual for release. Back to Duty

K10: The importance of effective communication and the need to gather and share information ensuring accurate and appropriate recording throughout all aspects of work. Back to Duty

K11: Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements and the role of strategic partnerships and how this supports the management and rehabilitation of complex/high risk casework. Back to Duty

K12: The nature of the local community and resources available there, as well as the range of services available to assist with practical and social issues and/or to provide opportunities to build positive social capital and pro-social activities. Back to Duty

K13: Performance measures and quality assurance processes and how to implement into practice. Back to Duty

K14: The importance of maintaining own learning and development and sharing knowledge and experience with others. Back to Duty

K15: The role of coaching and mentoring to support work with service users and colleagues. Back to Duty

K16: Principles of effective team work to achieve outcomes, build and sustain effective working relationships with internal and external stakeholders Back to Duty


S1: Integrate academic knowledge and understanding into work in multi-agency settings such as MAPPA and safeguarding groups. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal framework and relevant policies and guidelines for work with individuals posing high risk of harm and/or re-offending. Back to Duty

S2: Demonstrate good communication skills in complex situations and contexts by applying them in a way which promotes desistance, rehabilitation and resettlement in one to one and group settings. Back to Duty

S3: Gather, valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient information. Recognise discrepancies in information and provide a balanced assessment of risk, needs and responsivity. Produce robust, well written reports, for a range of audiences using professional judgement and defensible decisions. Back to Duty

S4: Maintain records securely in line with data protection and security of information and use information to support delivery of services. Back to Duty

S5: Make effective use of assessment tools to inform decision making. Back to Duty

S6: Apply strength based approaches and make professional judgements on developing service user engagement, including the likelihood of causing harm or re-offending. identify interventions to develop sentence plans and achieve positive change. Back to Duty

S7: Produce robust and realistic sentence/risk management plans to meet complex needs that are delivered within required time-frames and are negotiated with the service user wherever possible. Back to Duty

S8: Work in a pro-social and collaborative way with Service Users and others to achieve compliance, sentence plans objectives and positive outcomes. Back to Duty

S9: Recognise and respond to behaviour which may indicate a mental health/personality disorder issue and potential risk to self, staff and others. Back to Duty

S10: Evaluate and appraise different methods and interventions. Undertake comprehensive referrals and deliver appropriate interventions to meet Sentence Plan objectives and robustly oversee progress. Back to Duty

S11: Work with other agencies like the police, social services and youth offending teams, to develop and maintain effective inter-agency relationships, channels of communication, boundaries of confidentiality and information sharing agreements to protect and safeguard those identified as being at risk. Back to Duty

S12: Affirm and feedback positive changes in attitudes and behaviour to service users. Back to Duty

S13: Recognise the need to review plans and risk based on changing circumstances or behaviour. Determine when the case escalation process is required and undertake this in accordance with organisational timeframes Back to Duty

S14: Effectively liaise with the service user/prisons/Through the Gate providers to manage transitions into the community. (Through the Gate is provided by a range of organisations who are based in the prison and work specially with services users to ensure that their basic needs are met on release this might include accommodation, medical and Job Centre appointments) Back to Duty

S15: Apply principles of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in communication with others. Back to Duty

S16: Lead team work within own and other agencies to achieve key priorities and objectives. Effectively manage workload with high volumes of complex cases. Back to Duty

S17: Maintain own continuous professional development, revise practice based on feedback received. Back to Duty

S18: Apply principles of promoting equality diversity and inclusion in communication with others. Back to Duty

S19: Identify and manage the ambiguity and diversity of the Service User population and be adaptable to the changing nature of the sector. Back to Duty

S20: Apply understanding of domestic violence and sexual offending and characteristics of those convicted of such offences including awareness of trigger factors, risk indicators and criminogenic factors and how they relate to offending behaviour and wellbeing Back to Duty


B1: Work to the highest professional and quality standards, act with personal integrity upholding moral and ethical codes. Back to Duty

B2: Be open, approachable, authentic and able to build rapport and trust with all either inside or outside of the organisation. Back to Duty

B3: Be adaptable to the diversity of Service Users and the changing nature of the sector and external environment. Back to Duty

B4: Seeks to engage and proactively look for opportunities to work in partnership with internal and external stakeholders. Back to Duty

B5: Model pro-social behaviour and encourage service users and others to do the same. Back to Duty

B6: Lead a culture of openness, challenging others when required, whilst maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. Back to Duty

B7: Demonstrate values of equality, diversity and inclusion and express these in all aspects of practice and interaction with others Back to Duty


English and Maths

Other mandatory qualifications

High Level Qualification

Professional Qualification in Probation (PQiP)

Level: 6 (non-integrated degree)

Additional details

Regulated standard

This is a regulated occupation.

Regulator body:

Ministry of Justice

Training provider must be approved by regulator body

Occupational Level:


Duration (months):



Status: Retired
Level: 6
Degree: non-degree qualification
Reference: ST0648
Version: 1.0
Date updated: 30/11/2021
Route: Protective services
Typical duration to gateway: 36 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £21000
Regulated standard:
This is a regulated occupation
Regulator body:Ministry of Justice
Training provider must be approved by regulator body
LARS Code: 495
Employers involved in creating the standard: Interserve, Sodexo, Seetec, ARCC, Reduced Reoffending Partnership, Working Links, MTC Novo, National Prison and Probation Service, Skills for Justice

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Retired 20/08/2019 10/12/2021

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