The purpose of the Approvals Policy and Assurance Committee (APAC) is to monitor, advise and make recommendations to the Board and the Accounting Officer (Chief Executive) in respect of: the development and application of the operating parameters governing IfATE’s approval processes for its apprenticeships and technical qualifications and their application; the performance of the technical qualifications and apprenticeships approved by IfATE; the continuous improvement of the IfATE’s approval activities for technical qualifications and apprenticeships. The committee will have oversight on quality and be assured that quality is embedded across the entirety of IfATE products.

1. Remit

The Approvals Policy and Assurance Committee has delegated authority from IfATE Board to oversee and be assured on the approvals and policy process. This includes the authority to:

  • consider IfATE approval processes, assessment-related activities for technical qualifications and apprenticeships, and funding recommendations for apprenticeships
  • have due regard to (among other things): economic and employer priorities and ambition; quality; the delivery of an integrated skills system; and promoting cross-sector working; and outcomes for learners in its work
  • through its assurance activities, the Committee to have regard to IfATE’s statutory responsibilities, including the oversight of External Quality Assurance

The work of the Committee will be supported by a number of Specialist Advisory Panels (Panels). The Committee will work closely with these Panels, both to support the work of the Committee and as a forum to which the Panels can bring issues. 

2. Membership and attendance

The Committee will consist of at least 5 non-executive Board Members amongst which there will be a strong employer representation. 

The Committee will be chaired by one of the non-executive Board Members, appointed by the Board Chair. In the absence of the Committee Chair, the Committee Chair will nominate another member of the Committee to chair the meeting. 

Members include:

  • Katherine Barclay
  • Bev Robinson
  • Malcolm Press 
  • Neil Morrison
  • Jessica Leigh Jones

Committee meetings will normally be attended by the Executive Sponsor (or their nominated deputy), Strategy Director and relevant Deputy Directors. 

The Committee may ask any other person, including officials of the organisation and advisory Panel members, to attend to assist it with its discussions on any particular matter. Panels may also request that they be permitted to present issues to the Committee where the Committee feels it is warranted. 

The Committee may ask all or any of those who normally attend but who are not members to withdraw to facilitate open and frank discussion of particular matters, especially where there is a potential or actual conflict of interest.

3. Meetings and quorum

The Committee will normally meet 6 times a year. The Committee Chair may convene additional meetings, as they deem necessary.

A minimum of 3 members of the Committee will be present for the meeting to be deemed quorate.  Only non-executive board members would count towards quoracy.

4. Accountability

The Committee is accountable to IfATE Board.

5. Minutes

2022 2023    
APAC minutes - May 2022 APAC minutes - February 2023    
APAC minutes - August 2022 APAC minutes -  April 2023    
APAC minutes - October 2022      
APAC minutes - November 2022