If you are a provider who wishes to teach T Level(s) from September 2023, visit the next steps for providers guidance. 

Approved Providers

Your main contact will be your ESFA/DfE lead however if you have any issues please contact: RoutesReadiness.TE@education.gov.uk 

The T Levels providers website has lots of information for providers including funding and next steps.

Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has information on T Level Professional Development (TLPD). 

The awarding organisation (AO) have a wide range of support materials available on their websites and portals for providers to access. Please see the links below to access the AOs websites for further information on what they can offer.

Business and Administration

Construction and the Built Environment


Education and Early Years

Engineering and Manufacturing

Health and science

Legal, Finance and Accounting

Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care

Catering and Hospitality

  • Catering – TBC

Creative and Design

Hair and Beauty