Key information

  1. Reference: OCC0185A
  2. Date updated: 02/10/2023
  3. Level: 3
  4. Route: Legal, finance and accounting
  5. Regulated occupation: No

Details of the occupational standard

Information Symbol

T-Levels logoT Levels focus on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

Occupation summary

This apprenticeship has been designed for use in Banks and Building Societies, but may have wider application across Financial Services, including Life Insurers. Within these organisations there are a number of front line roles that deal with customers and require a high level of technical knowledge and skills across a wide range of products – these may happen in a branch, over the phone, through the internet / social media or an operations centre that supports other areas. They may deal with individuals, businesses or a small portfolio of accounts. Typical activities could include, depending on the organisation, understanding customer needs and meeting those needs with the right products and services eg type of bank account / credit card / loans / insurances; promoting new digital services to encourage customers to use these channels, proactively calling customers to deepen relationships, resolving tricky complaints, working with other areas of the organisation to meet customer needs. Products within the scope of this role are core banking, savings and insurance. Any mortgage, complex investment or other regulated product opportunities will be referred to specialists.

Typical job titles include:

finance worker financial consultant





T Level in finance

Awarding organisation: Pearson

Qualification type: T Level Qualification level: 4 Qualification approved: 16/09/2021

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