Key information

  1. Reference: OCC0175B
  2. Date updated: 22/11/2022
  3. Level: 3
  4. Route: Legal, finance and accounting
  5. Regulated occupation: No

Details of the occupational standard

Information Symbol

T-Levels logoT Levels focus on vocational skills and can help students into skilled employment, higher study or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace; employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

Occupation summary

Credit management and debt collection is a dynamic function found across all sectors of UK and international commerce. Given the importance of credit management and debt collection, roles are central to many operations, typically setting policies, facilitating sales, managing financial risk and customer relationships. Credit management typically manages and protects cash flow, while debt collection focuses on overdue, late or unpaid money owed to the organisation. Roles are generally fast-paced and target driven, requiring detailed knowledge of law, regulations and the business environment, and skilled practitioners possess excellent technical and interpersonal skills. They are rewarding career choices for self-motivated and enthusiastic individuals who would enjoy a varied role working at the centre of operations. Role Profile: Within this, the focus of the Advanced Credit Controller and Debt Collection Specialist role is typically to work with internal and external customers, both commercial and/or consumer, to ensure that the cash flow of their organisation is maximised while achieving fair customer outcomes. This requires proactive complex interaction with customers who are high risk due, to e.g. having multiple debts, consistently reaching credit limits or breaching credit agreements, missing repayments to minimise and/or recover bad debts while retaining positive sustained relationships. The range of activities is outlined in the examples contained in the Standard below. In addition to the core requirements of the apprenticeship, one of three specialist options must be completed. These are: Credit risk – advising on credit policy and making decisions on credit limits and in some cases complex and non-routine credit arrangements. Advanced Collections – managing complex customer relations to resolve payment issues or identify potential customer vulnerability through the use of recognised relevant assessment frameworks (e.g. TEXAS Model, Common Financial Statement, understanding of insolvency legislation). Examples might include significant corporate business or customers in complex financial difficulties or vulnerable circumstances. Enforcement and recovery – applying in-depth understanding of statutory and/or non-statutory enforcement solutions in the recovery of debt

Typical job titles include:

Collections agent and Collections adviser Credit and collection representative Finance controller





T Level in finance

Awarding organisation: Pearson

Qualification type: T Level Qualification level: 4 Qualification approved: 16/09/2021

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