Revisions and adjustments status report - November 2023

The revisions and adjustments status report:

  • shows apprenticeships that are being revised or adjusted;
  • provides a brief overview of the revisions and adjustments planned for each apprenticeship; and
  • states the stage that each revision or adjustment has reached.

What were previously defined as “revisions” now encompass both revisions and more minor changes known as “adjustments”. These change categories are defined in our “Change Requests” guidance.  

The report also provides an opportunity to input views on a suitable notice period for the introduction of a revised version in place of a current version for new starts (more minor “adjustments” tend not to require notice periods). This can be done via the relevant IfATE product manager when the occupational standard and EPA plan are submitted for approval (Stage 2 in the report below). The report includes the email address of the relevant product manager for each case in revision.

New cases added since the previous edition are marked as yellow and cases that have progressed to a new stage (or returned to a previous stage) are marked as orange. If an apprenticeship that was listed on the last report no longer appears on this version, this is normally because the revised or adjusted version is now live. If so, this will be reflected on the webpage relating to that standard. Alternatively, it may occasionally mean that the plan to revise or adjust the standard has been reversed or paused.

The report does not include apprenticeships that are currently the subject of an IfATE route review unless that review has been completed and the revision work already commenced.

We will aim to publish the next version of this report February 2024. As this means elements of this report will become out of date before the next version is published, please note that the most up to date position relating to any apprenticeship can always be seen on the webpage relating to that standard.

Please contact the relevant IfATE product manager if you have any queries about a specific case. However, any more general enquiries relating to the delivery of apprenticeships should be directed to the Education and Skills Funding Agency

If you have any suggestions as to how the report could be improved, please contact

Last updated 8 December 2023
(MG, NS)