Overview of the role

Provide, design and implement bespoke treatment plans.

Details of standard

Occupation summary

This occupation is found in a number of sector environments, varying in size style and ambiance. An advanced beauty therapist can be employed within the beauty industry, travel, leisure and health sectors, in a variety of salons, spas and aesthetic environments.

The broad purpose of this occupation is to provide, design and implement bespoke treatment plans. These advanced treatments range from advanced manual therapies such as advanced massage techniques, technical therapies such as face and body electrical treatments, to meet and manage client needs and expectations. They implement organisational operations (salon business systems and processes, data protection) to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, contribute to financial the effectiveness of the business, maintaining and maximising resources, (people, equipment and consumables). 

In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with a number of internal (e.g. other members of staff) and external (e.g. product brand, manufacturer representatives and other professionals) individuals, building exemplary relationships based on trust with clients, colleagues and organisations.

An employee in this occupation will be responsible for working independently delivering treatments in a private, secure and safe environment. An advanced beauty therapist will also when required, supervise others to support team and business growth.

Typical job titles include:

Advanced beauty therapist Head therapist Senior therapist

Entry requirements

Typical entry requirements would be following the study or completion of a Beauty Therapy Level 2 Apprenticeship Standard or equivalent to have the fundamental foundation of the job role


Occupation duties

Duty KSBs

Duty 1 complete advanced consultations including in-depth client lifestyle profiling, to build and maintain the clients trust, establishing suitability for treatment and providing solutions for improving the condition of the clients physical appearance and emotional welfare, to design bespoke treatment plans.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K11 K12 K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K21 K23 K24 K25 K30 K33

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S15 S21

B1 B2 B4

Duty 2 design, implement and perform advanced bespoke manual therapies on the face, scalp and body, as a single or course of treatment, on clients, to meet the objectives of bespoke treatment plans based on the client's physical and psychological characteristics, developed to establish and manage client needs and expectations, whilst using the correct products, tools, equipment to deliver current and emerging techniques.

K1 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K17 K20 K23 K24 K25 K26 K27 K28 K29 K30 K31 K38 K39 K40 K41 K42 K43 K44 K45 K46 K47 K48

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23

B1 B2 B4

Duty 3 design, implement and perform advanced facial technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course of treatment, to meet the objectives of bespoke treatment plans, to improve facial skin condition, improve and maintain facial contour and muscle condition and increase lymphatic drainage, whilst using the correct products, tools and equipment to apply the following therapy techniques/current types: galvanic, micro-current, microdermabrasion, low intensity LED light, skin warming devices, high/radio frequency, lymphatic drainage equipment.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K15 K17 K18 K19 K20 K23 K24 K25 K26 K28 K29 K30 K31 K32 K38 K39 K40 K41 K42 K43 K44 K45 K46 K47 K48

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S10 S13 S14 S15 S16 S18 S20 S21 S22 S23

B1 B2 B4

Duty 4 design, implement and perform advanced body technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course of treatment, to meet the objectives of bespoke treatment plans, to improve body skin condition, improve body contour and muscle condition and increase lymphatic drainage, whilst using the correct products, tools and equipment to apply the following techniques/current types: galvanic, micro-current, LED light, skin warming devices, high/radio frequency, electrical muscle stimulation and lymphatic drainage equipment

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K23 K24 K25 K26 K28 K29 K30 K31 K32 K38 K39 K40 K41 K42 K43 K44 K45 K46 K47 K48

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S11 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S25

B1 B2 B4

Duty 5 provide post treatment aftercare and product advice for advanced manual and technical therapies

K7 K10 K17 K20 K29 K33

S2 S15 S18 S20 S21

B1 B2 B4

Duty 6 promote sales and additional services to enhance the customer experience and overall treatment results, contributing to the financial viability and effectiveness of the business

K29 K30 K32 K33 K34

S21 S22 S23

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 7 perform and implement risk assessment protocols in relation to the environment, treatments and client risk. Liaise with non-health care and health care practitioners when required.

K1 K3 K4 K6 K8 K11 K13 K15 K18 K19 K20 K23 K26 K31 K35

S1 S3 S4 S6 S8

B1 B2 B4

Duty 8 apply and implement organisational operations(salon business systems and processes, data protection) to comply with legal, local rules, industry requirements, treatment protocols, manufacturers' instructions and guidance

K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K12 K35

S4 S5 S6 S8 S25

B1 B2 B3 B4

Duty 9 supervise individual and team activities

K4 K35 K36 K37


B2 B3 B4

Duty 10 identify continual professional development requirements to ensure up to date knowledge and skills of new and emerging techniques, equipment and business practices

K37 K44


Duty 11 record, maintain and store, detailed treatment records including: personal, lifestyle, declared medical and other treatment information in accordance with legal and organisational operations

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7

S4 S5

B1 B2 B4

Duty 12 maintain safe and effective methods of working in accordance with organisational operations to meet legal, local rules, industry requirements, treatment protocols, manufacturers' instructions and guidance

K4 K8

S4 S6

B1 B2

Duty 13 apply and implement organisational operations to secure, maintain and promote business growth

K32 K33 K34 K35

S23 S24 S25

B1 B2 B3 B4



K1: how to perform advanced consultations for advanced manual and technical therapies to design bespoke treatment plans which include: the factors that can affect the treatment, completion of an in-depth client lifestyle profile; body and skin analysis including type, condition and characteristics; postural analysis and the identification of any postural faults, characteristics, body shapes, lifestyle and health guidance; solutions for improving the condition of the clients’ physical appearance and emotional welfare; specific client risk assessment to establish suitability and indicators for treatment; recognition and management of contra-indications that would prevent or restrict the treatment, the associated risks and the necessary action to take; the types of advice that needs to be provided on expected and possible adverse contra-actions during or after the treatment; recognition and management of expected and adverse contra-actions, the type of remedial action to take if the client experiences discomfort or contra-actions ;referral of clients to other non-health care and health care practitioners and the situations in which this would be required Back to Duty

K2: how to use effective communication methods and strategies to: gain accurate, relevant and detailed information, inform treatment design, build and maintain the clients trust, explain treatment procedure/process, use of visual aids to assist the client's understanding, explain the use and purpose of photographs, explain any physical/equipment sensation and noise, ascertain the clients pain threshold, explain aftercare and post treatment cost such as: costs, time, number of treatments, healing rate and client commitment, provide advice to maximise the benefits of the treatment and reduce the risk of adverse effects or contra-actions, support the retention of clients, take into account client's diverse needs, inclusive of psychological state Back to Duty

K3: when and how to carry out, interpret and record tests (pre-treatment, post treatment and during treatment) (allergy, sensitivity) Back to Duty

K4: organisational operational requirements to meet legal, local rules, industry requirements, treatment protocols, manufacturers' instructions and guidance complying with the Health and Safety at Work act including associated regulations and directives, Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions) act, Environmental protection act, legal, local rules, Industry codes of practice, insurance guidelines relating to advanced manual and technical therapy treatments for the safe use of products, tools and equipment Back to Duty

K5: how to securely store, maintain and manage, business, colleague and client information in line with legal, organisational Data Protection regulations in relation to confidentiality Back to Duty

K6: the legal significance of gaining signed, informed consent from the client prior to carrying out the treatment, the legal requirements for providing treatments to minors. The age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how this differs nationally. The requirement for the clients consent before taking photographs and why it is advisable to take photographs of the treatment area pre and post- treatments and how they should be taken Back to Duty

K7: methods recording personal, lifestyle, medical and treatment information accurately using manual or electronic methods Back to Duty

K8: how to maintain safe and effective methods of working in relation to: specific legislation and responsibilities for health and safety related to manual and technical therapies; personal hygiene, protection and presentation; the position the client and therapist and how this can affect the desired outcome and reduce fatigue and the risk of injury; the different types of work-related injuries associated with manual and technical therapies; the necessary environmental conditions for treatments, such as heating and ventilation and why these are important; methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization; methods of working safely and hygienically to avoid direct and indirect cross-infection; the hazards and risks associated with manual and technical therapies and how these can be minimized; environmental and sustainable working practices; the legal requirements for waste disposal; safeguarding; lone working; inoculations in relation to personal protection (blood and air) Back to Duty

K9: how to prepare a client for advanced manual and technical therapies and why it is important to maintain client's discretion, modesty and privacy Back to Duty

K10: methods of checking and maintaining client comfort, care and well-being and the importance of agreeing a realistic treatment that meets the client's needs. The importance of ensuring the client has post-treatment recovery time Back to Duty

K11: how and when to perform, implement and complete risk assessment protocols in relation to the environment, treatment and client risk. How specific client risk assessment can affect the outcome and treatment recommendations provided Back to Duty

K12: how to create an advanced treatment plan that meets legal and organisational operations Back to Duty

K13: the correct use and adaptation of advanced manual therapy techniques, inclusive of Swedish massage, to meet a variety of treatment objectives. The procedures and reasons for establishing suitability for treatment by using appropriate testing methods. How to select and utilise advanced manual therapies equipment, media and techniques to achieve maximum benefits for the client. How other parts of the body can be utilised for advanced manual therapies and the benefits of incorporating those techniques in treatment applications Back to Duty

K14: the physical and psychological effects of advanced manual therapies, the effects of advanced manual therapies on individual systems of the body, the selection, use and effects of advanced manual therapies mediums, products and equipment for current advanced manual therapies. How to complete bespoke advanced manual therapy treatment plans. How the advanced manual therapies techniques, sequence, depth and pressure can be adapted to suit different client physical characteristics Back to Duty

K15: how to design, implement, perform and adapt advanced facial technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course to improve and maintain facial contour and muscle condition and increase lymphatic drainage, to improve face, neck and shoulder skin condition, to meet the client’s needs and expectations. To include the following advanced facial technical electrical or mechanical techniques/current types: galvanic, micro-current, microdermabrasion, low intensity LED light (below 500mW), skin warming devices, high frequency, radio frequency, lymphatic drainage equipment Back to Duty

K16: how to design, implement, perform and adapt advanced body technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course to improve and maintain body contour and muscle tone, increase lymphatic drainage and improve skin condition to meet the client’s needs and expectations. To include the following advanced body technical (electrical or mechanical) techniques/current types: galvanic, micro-current, low intensity LED light (below 500mW), high frequency, radio frequency, skin warming devices, high/radio frequency, electrical muscle stimulation and lymphatic drainage equipment Back to Duty

K17: the types of treatments that could be given before, in conjunction with or after other treatments Back to Duty

K18: the principles of electrical current types used in the facial and body technical therapies inclusive of the electromagnetic spectrum and wavelength, its boundaries, limitations and uses Back to Duty

K19: the effects of different technical therapy equipment, their uses, restrictions and benefits when used individually or in combination (singular or as courses of treatment) Back to Duty

K20: the possible expected or adverse contra-actions which may occur, how to deal with them and what advice to give to clients Back to Duty

K21: the different types of products, tools and equipment that can be used for advanced technical therapies, created, their uses, benefits, purpose, effects, suitability, limitations and restrictions Back to Duty

K22: how to select, use and adapt the products, tools, equipment and treatment duration to suit the client's skin type, body type, body condition, sensitivity and tolerance Back to Duty

K23: the environmental and lifestyle factors that impact the human body, systems and their effects on the ageing process Back to Duty

K24: problems that may occur during treatment, how to resolve them, when and who to approach for advice and support Back to Duty

K25: how to adapt advanced manual therapy treatments to suit different treatment objectives and treatment areas. The areas of the face, scalp and body characteristics needing particular care when undertaking advanced manual therapy treatments Back to Duty

K26: how to ensure the finished result is to the client's satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives Back to Duty

K27: the types of post treatment advice and recommendations to include: post treatment and follow- up procedures; aftercare products; avoidance of activities that may cause contra-actions or that reduce treatment benefits; time intervals between treatments; present and future products and homecare routines/ treatments (link selling and long-term treatment planning inclusive of lifestyle and health guidance) Back to Duty

K28: how to evaluate the treatment outcome in order to inform further treatment recommendations Back to Duty

K29: how to recognise the difference between contra-actions and those which are a result of poor practice Back to Duty

K30: the principles of promoting and selling products, services and treatments to include: the benefits of promoting products and services, communication skills and behaviours that support the promotion and selling of products, services and treatments, promotion and sales techniques to enhance the client experience and overall treatment results; the sales cycle, retail and trades legislation Back to Duty

K31: different types of promotional activities that can be used to increase sales and how to promote sales and additional products, services and treatments to new and existing clients Back to Duty

K32: how to adjust performance to meet targets consistently and within the agreed timescale by reviewing and recording progress Back to Duty

K33: how to develop and maintain salon procedures to safely control work operations, the management of salon business systems and processes including: successful business planning, financial effectiveness, promotional and marketing activities, team development, salon operations,, supporting client service improvements, problem solving, practice time and self-management principles Back to Duty

K34: supervisory strategies used to coordinate and organise individual and team activities, whilst maintaining good working relationships with individuals and team members Back to Duty

K35: what constitutes continuing professional development (CPD) within beauty industry and broader sector. Why and how to access CPD and the importance of keeping up to date Back to Duty

K36: the organisation of the body and the structure and functions of cells, tissues, organs and systems: anatomical regions and related terms, structure of a cell and division, functions of a cell, structure and types of tissues and pathologies related to the cells and tissues, organs and systems of the human body Back to Duty

K37: the structure and function of the skin, nails and hair: anatomical structure and functions of the skin, anatomical structure and functions of the nail, anatomical structure and functions of the hair, pathologies related to the skin, nails and hair Back to Duty

K38: the structure and functions of the skeletal system: classification and structure of the skeletal system, functions of the skeletal system, location of bones of the skeleton, types of joints and movement, pathologies of the skeletal system Back to Duty

K39: the structure and functions of the muscular system: classification and structure of the muscular system, functions of the muscular system, location and action of the primary muscles of the face and body, pathologies of the muscular system Back to Duty

K40: the structure and functions of the cardiovascular system: structure of the cardiovascular system, composition and functions of the blood, primary blood vessels of the body, pathologies of the cardiovascular system Back to Duty

K41: the structure and functions of the lymphatic system: structure and functions of the lymphatic system, structure and functions of the lymphatic organs, location of lymphatic nodes and ducts, pathologies related to the lymphatic system Back to Duty

K42: the structure and functions of the nervous system: structure and functions of the central and autonomic nervous systems, pathologies of the nervous systems Back to Duty

K43: the structure and functions of the respiratory system: structure and functions of the respiratory system, pathologies of the respiratory system Back to Duty

K44: the structure and functions of the digestive system: structure and functions of digestive system, processes of digestion, pathologies of the digestive system Back to Duty

K45: the structure and functions of the endocrine system: structure and functions of the endocrine system, common pathologies of the endocrine system Back to Duty

K46: the structure and functions of the renal and reproductive systems: structure and functions of the renal system, structure and functions of the reproductive system, key stages of the human reproductive cycle Back to Duty

K47: the anatomical systems, their interdependence and the effects on each of the systems independently and combined when completing advanced manual, technical therapies Back to Duty

K48: the anatomical physiology and factors that affect normal and abnormal hair growth inclusive of the hair growth cycle and hair type Back to Duty


S1: perform advanced consultations for advanced manual and technical therapies to design bespoke treatment plans to include: factors that affect the treatment; in-depth client lifestyle profiling; body and skin analysis including type, condition and characteristics; postural analysis and the identification of any postural faults, characteristics, body shapes, lifestyle and health guidance; solutions for improving the condition of the clients’ physical appearance and emotional welfare; specific client risk assessment to establish suitability and indicators for treatment; the recognition of any contra-indications and take the necessary action; advice on expected and adverse contra-actions during or after the treatment; taking appropriate remedial action if the client experiences discomfort or contra-actions Back to Duty

S2: communication skills, to build and maintain clients' trust, by providing and collating accurate and relevant information, explaining the treatment procedure at each stage in the process Back to Duty

S3: establish suitability for treatment by completing appropriate tests including: allergy, sensitivity Back to Duty

S4: works in compliance against organisational operations to meet legal, local rules, industry requirements, treatment protocols, manufacturers' instructions and guidance Back to Duty

S5: ensure the client's records are completed, signed, maintained and stored accurately (manual or electronic methods) in accordance with legal and organisational operations Back to Duty

S6: maintain safe and effective methods of working in accordance with organisational operations to meet legal, local rules, industry requirements, treatment protocols, manufacturers' instructions and guidance by: maintaining personal hygiene, protection and presentation; maintaining client confidentiality and discretion before, during and after the treatments; positioning the client to meet the needs of the service; ensuring own posture and working methods minimise fatigue and the risk of injury to yourself and client; ensuring environmental conditions are suitable for the client and the treatment; keeping work area clean and tidy (products, tools and equipment);using working methods that minimise the risk of cross-infection; promoting environmental and sustainable working practices; disposal of waste materials to meet legal requirements Back to Duty

S7: prepare the client for treatment, whilst maintaining client's discretion, modesty and privacy. Maintain client comfort and care by checking the client's wellbeing before, during and after the treatment and allowing sufficient post-treatment recovery time. Back to Duty

S8: perform, implement and complete risk assessment protocols in relation to the environment, treatment and client risk. Liaise with non-health care and health care practitioners when required. Back to Duty

S9: implement, perform and adapt advanced manual therapies, inclusive of Swedish massage (face, scalp and body), singularly or as a course to meet client’s physical and psychological characteristics, treatment objectives (relaxing, wellbeing, uplifting, detoxifying and stimulating) needs and expectations. To include: effleurage, petrissage, tapotment, vibration and friction; deep tissue, light touch, lymphatic drainage and pressure point massage; advanced techniques using the forearm, wrist and elbow; choice of massage mediums Back to Duty

S10: implement, perform and adapt advanced facial technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course to improve and maintain facial contour and muscle condition and increase lymphatic drainage, to improve face, neck and shoulder skin condition, to meet the client’s needs and expectations. To include the following advanced facial technical electrical or mechanical techniques/current types: galvanic; micro-current; microdermabrasion; low intensity LED light (below 500mW); skin warming devices; high/radio frequency (range 3khz- 300GHz (including high frequency 3khz -30mhz); lymphatic drainage equipment Back to Duty

S11: implement, perform and adapt advanced body technical (electrical or mechanical) therapy treatments, singularly or as a course to improve body skin condition, improve body contour and muscle condition and increase lymphatic drainage to meet the client’s needs and expectations. To include the following advanced body technical electrical or mechanical techniques/current types: galvanic; micro-current; microdermabrasion; low intensity LED light (below 500mW); skin warming devices; high/radio frequency (range 3khz- 300GHz (including high frequency 3khz -30mhz); electrical muscle stimulation, lymphatic drainage equipment Back to Duty

S12: select and prepare the relevant products, tools and equipment to suit the treatment objectives and plan Back to Duty

S13: use and adapt the products, equipment, tools and treatment duration to suit the client's skin type and characteristics, body type, body condition, sensitivity and tolerance Back to Duty

S14: advise on the environmental and lifestyle factors that impact the human body, systems and their effects on the ageing process Back to Duty

S15: resolve problems that may occur during treatments, and refer when required Back to Duty

S16: adapt advanced manual therapies treatments to suit different treatment objectives and treatment areas Back to Duty

S17: ensure the finished result is to the client's satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives Back to Duty

S18: identify, resolve and report organisational operational problems within the scope of responsibility Back to Duty

S19: provide detailed, written, post treatment advice and recommendations to include: post treatment and follow- up procedures, aftercare products, avoidance of activities that may cause contra-actions or that reduce treatment benefits, time intervals between treatments, present and future products, homecare routines /treatments Back to Duty

S20: evaluate the treatment outcome in order to inform further treatment recommendations Back to Duty

S21: promote and sell products suitable for advanced manual and technical therapy services and treatments to include: link selling and long-term treatment planning to include; lifestyle and health guidance Back to Duty

S22: promote sales and additional treatments to enhance the client experience and overall treatment results Back to Duty

S23: adjust performance to meet targets consistently and within the agreed timescale by reviewing and recording progress Back to Duty

S24: develop and maintain salon procedures to safely control work operations, the management of salon business systems and processes including, successful business planning, financial effectiveness, promotional and marketing activities, team development, salon operations and supporting client service improvements, problem solving practice. Apply time and self-management principles Back to Duty

S25: supervise, coordinate and organise individual and team activities, whilst maintaining good working relationships with individuals and team members Back to Duty

S26: manage own continuing professional development (CPD) incorporating research, professional practice and progression Back to Duty


B1: Ownership of work: accepts responsibility, is proactive, and plans their work, takes pride in their work and aims for excellence Back to Duty

B2: Professionalism: demonstrates a pride in work, integrity, respect, flexibility and adaptability whilst maintaining professional ethics Back to Duty

B3: Salon and industry ambassador - Works collaboratively, contributes ideas and challenges appropriately, leads by example, acting as an ambassador for the organisation and industry. Back to Duty

B4: Effective communicator: choose the most appropriate way of communicating with clients; be helpful and courteous at all times; adapt behaviour in response to each client and situation Back to Duty


English and Maths

Additional details

Occupational Level:


Duration (months):



Status: Approved for delivery (available for starts)
Level: 3
Reference: ST0211
Version: 1.0
Date updated: 13/05/2020
Approved for delivery: 13 May 2020
Route: Hair and beauty
Typical duration to gateway: 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £8000
LARS Code: 563
EQA Provider: Ofqual
Employers involved in creating the standard: Hammer Holdings / Urban Retreat, Armonia Health and Beauty, SAKS, Dermalogica, Guinot-Mary Cohr UK Ltd, Boots, Finishing Touch Health & Beauty Clinic, Beauty Time

Version log

Version Change detail Earliest start date Latest start date
1.0 Approved for delivery 13/05/2020 Not set

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